Jonathan Hiroshi Shirota
1525 Eagle Park Road
Hacienda Heights California 91745
United States
Rockefeller Center Award, American College Festival Center Award; The Best Stage Scenes By Smith And Kraus Books ; A Grant By The JapanUSA Friendship Commission And The National Endowment For The Arts; Los Angeles County Cultural Affairs Award To Write And Produce A Play Honor, Duty, Country, Based On The Bravery Of An American Soldier's Heroic Act Duty In The Korean War.
East/West Theatre Of Los Angeles; Pan-Asian Repertory Theatre Of New York; Kumu Kahua Theatre Of Honolulu.

About Jonathan:

Born and raised on Maui, Hawaii, August 29, 1927. Served 2 years in U.S. Army; Graduated from Brigham Young University then was an Internal Revenue Agent in Hollywood, Ca. Moved to the Handy Writers Colony in Southern Illinois. Finished my first novel there which was later adapted into a play and was awarded the John F. Kennedy Center Award for New Plays.