The Adventures of Jonny Plumb is the fantastical and funny story of a young orphan boy suddenly endowed with very special powers. Jonny’s life changes dramatically when he’s taken into foster care by the wealthy and extremely beautiful Lady Kathleen Hunter — and comes under the vigilant eye of Nanny Noo.
Jonny’s adventures begin when he finds the mysterious Golden Globe that shifts shapes and holds many secrets. This magical orb takes Jonny on all kinds of amazing and jaw-dropping adventures, high into the furthest regions of space and deep into an underwater world full of rowdy Sea Life — who bubble up from Jonny’s bathtub drain to join in silly songs. These include Wall Eyed Wally and his three baby octopuses Stench, Carcass, and Harpoon; five young dolphins, Oink, Jube, Faraway, Blue Sky One Eye, and Sloppy Botty; Porka the Orca, Legs the Crab, and many more.