Raveena Nash, author or A Tale of Truth speaks to Jessica Meyer,Total Recall Publications, Inc., about her soon to be released children’s book, which is based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles.
Question-01 : When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
Answer : Ever since I came across A Course in Miracles. I was so happy to have discovered this spiritual path that I wanted to share it with others.
Question-02 : Where do your ideas come from?
Answer : My ideas come from my spiritual beliefs which are based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles (ACIM). This is a great spiritual teaching, which is gradually gaining ground around the world. I felt there was a need to introduce children to this great work but that it needed to be simplified considerably so that they could grasp its key concepts. That is what I have tried to do in A Tale of Truth.
Question-03 : Where did the idea for A Tale of Truth come from?
Answer : Similar to my ideas for my previous books, the idea for this children’s book came to me quite suddenly—a flash of inspiration. I have worked with children quite a lot and I felt it was time to share my spiritual beliefs with them. For some, it could be the beginning of their own awakening. For others, it will not be. We all have our own spiritual paths to discover and it is not possible to say that one spiritual path is better than another. There are so many pathways that eventually lead back to God.
Question-04 : Why did you want to write about A Course in Miracles?
Answer : I have lived a full and happy life but I have been immersed in the illusory world of the ego for most of it. However, for a great many years I have been searching for meaning and wondering why we are all here on earth. Then one day I discovered A Course in Miracles and things finally began to make sense to me. I haven’t looked back since that day, and now my only goal is awakening from the dream of separation and helping others, including children, to do the same, if that is what they want.
Question-05 : What is on the cover of the book?
Answer : I love natural landscapes and I am very fortunate to have a friend who is a talented artist, Lucy Grossmith, who agreed to do the illustrations for the book.
Question-06 : Was it difficult to write this style of book?
Answer : Not difficult but, as this is my first children’s book, it did take some thought. I had to find a way of simplifying an intellectual, spiritual work so that children would be able to understand it. I hope I have managed to do that. I should add that whilst writing the book some of the words seemed to flow through me, as though I was being given help from another dimension.
Question-07 : What other books that you have written have been published?
Answer : It’s All An Illusion! was my first book, also published by Total Recall Press. It explores the topic of illusion from the perspective of A Course in Miracles and compares and contrasts it with the Buddhist and Hindu views on the same subject as well as other belief systems, such as Christian Science and Theosophy. My second book, Rise Above is a self-help book which shows the reader how to use specific A Course in Miracles Workbook lessons to overcome problems such as anger, guilt, resentment, the fear of ill health and death, anxiety about the future, low self-esteem and much more.
Question-08 : What’s your next project?
Answer : Further study of A Course in Miracles. It is a huge volume of over 1200 words. It is not the sort of thing that you can pick up and learn in a year or two. I believe it could take a lifetime of study to really understand it and, more importantly, put its teachings on forgiveness and non-judgment into practice consistently in one’s life.
Question-09 : If you could do anything, what would you do?
Answer : Awaken from the dream of separation.
Question-10 : What is the most important thing in your life?
Answer : Overcoming the ego and awakening from the dream of separation from God, which means achieving enlightenment. It requires the practice of non-judgment and forgiveness consistently and towards everyone and every situation. All illusions have to be released and constant vigilance is needed of one’s thoughts, words and deeds if one is to stand a chance of overcoming the ego.