Question: Can I read on the site without being a member?
Answer: Absolutely! Enjoy yourself on our site.
Question: What do I get for my $120.00 USD per year membership?
Answer: You may post one Option per day, or 365 posts per year. Options include posting author news and events, press releases, etc. See About Authors Book Beat for a full listing of free and paid Options.
Question: What if my book hasn’t been published yet?
Answer: Publishers can be ABB members and their staff visit ABB all the time! We welcome you as a member and through our site, you can create the publicity you need to potentially attract the interest of one of our publishers.
Question: If I have several published titles, can I run a campaign for each title?
Answer: Yes! ABB is an author website. Your personal membership allows you to promote, market and advertise all of you books under your name.
For example: Bob Doerr has published eight titles. It’s up to Bob to choose which of his current or future books to promote with marketing campaigns.
Question: As a member why am I allowed to make only one post per day?
Answer: Due to the large number of registered members, ABB wants to ensure that each author gets a good chance to get attention for their work on the site without any one person dominating the news. Also, daily exposure with one posting per day can build awareness and momentum for your work over time.
Question: What are ABB™ services for hire?
Answer: As an author, you may need additional services to promote your book to a larger audience. Your expertise may not lie in promotion; press releases, video book trailers, etc. ABB™ will provide these services at an additional fee. We are here to maximize your exposure for optimum sales potential.