R M Conte opens up about their trilogy “Lifestyle.”
Book Title: Arousal
When we buy a book or turn on our e-reader, most of us don’t think much about what goes into getting that story written and ready for purchase. One former Wynyard resident, Rosanna Gartley (Melsted) k
Author Bio:The name RM Conté is the pen name of two nurse practitioners who live in southwestern Pennsylvania. Both authors have been writing for years and their works vary from professional writing that has been published in peer-reviewed journals to writing dark poetry. They both enjoy golf, the beach and spending time with their families. Following The Lifestyle trilogy, they plan on writing a series of health-related books for children, then concentrating on erotica in the world of fantasy. Stay tuned! RM Conté can be followed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and their blog where readers can find information on the release of Obsession and Shattered, the next books in The Lifestyle trilogy. They can be reached by email at rmConté@comcast.net