A Magic Amulet Allows Two Teen-Agers To Discover how to Make a Difference in the World of Animal Poaching
• Gina and Colby
A Magic Amulet allows two teenagers to discover how to make a difference in the world of animal poaching.
Two teen-agers, different in every way, form an unshakable friendship as a result of the adventures they share after meeting in Disney Springs, transported through a magic amulet to a total different culture and continent, they are offered an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of endangered animals.
Dangers abound as they face poachers and pirates in their attempts to rescue these creatures, and they discover a courage within themselves that leads each one to a positive change in how they view themselves and others.
The Amulet, as she held it up, was turning transparent. They could see a little picture, almost like the picture on the television set. As they looked, a landscape slowly came into focus, and the Medallion began to enlarge. “Come on,” encouraged Gina, and took his hand. They took one step forward and the picture they were seeing pulled them right through the Medallion.
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(1) http://www.amazon.com/Gina-Colby-Jeff-Lovell-ebook/dp/B01CD565IU?ie=UTF8&keywords=gina%20and%20colby%20jeff%20lovell&qid=1464712806&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1(2) http://www.amazon.com/Gina-Colby-Jeff-Lovell-ebook/dp/B01CD565IU?ie=UTF8&keywords=gina%20and%20colby%20jeff%20lovell&qid=1464712806&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
(3) http://www.amazon.com/Gina-Colby-Jeff-Lovell-ebook/dp/B01CD565IU?ie=UTF8&keywords=gina%20and%20colby%20jeff%20lovell&qid=1464712806&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
(4) http://www.amazon.com/Gina-Colby-Jeff-Lovell-ebook/dp/B01CD565IU?ie=UTF8&keywords=gina%20and%20colby%20jeff%20lovell&qid=1464712806&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
Writers Biline:

Author Name : Jeff Lovell
Author Bio : Jeff Lovell is a native Chicagoan, with 3 degrees from the University of Illinois and an earned doctorate from Vanderbilt University. Jeff taught high school writing and literature for thirty three years and sponsored the school paper, Student Council and several other activities. He ran the drama program at two high schools, teaching and directing and designing sets, lighting and costumes. His specialties in his career included Shakespeare, British Literature, and Writing as well as Computer Science. Since he retired from education, Jeff has served as a theatre and film critic for a television station and appears frequently to review theatre and literature.

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