Dreams Surpassed takes the characters to the bustling Port of Los Angeles, to the tropical beauty of Fort Lauderdale, and to the whimsical Victorian charm of England. It is a novel with intellectual depth and warmth, beauty and humor, achievement and love. Love of fathers for their children, love of the sea, and possibly romantic love.
American-born Graham Bennington creates prosperous Bennington Yacht Corporation from his dream of building the perfect sailboat. Graham’s best friend, English-born Edward Oxford creates Oxford Marine from his dream of creating the finest masts and rigging. But it is their children who expand their father’s companies beyond their own dreams.
Katia Bennington, Graham’s daughter and heir, proves through passion for nature, clarity of mind, and kindness of spirit that her stunning beauty is the least of her assets. She overcomes all odds by using her femininity to succeed in a male-dominated industry and sport. Bryan Oxford, the youngest of Edward’s three sons, is Katia’s match in every way and expands Oxford Marine far beyond even Edward’s grand dreams.
Katia and Bryan first meet in middle school, then again in high school, yet their timing as they mature is always wrong. Bryan moves back to England and Katia moves to Los Angeles. Over the years they dream of one another but never seem to find the other.