Immortal Destiny is the third of a trilogy of books on immortality. In The Light of Eden (2008) Raley invites the reader to a spiritual and intellectual feast featuring the mystery and reality of personhood and culminating in a new theory of human life. A radically new theory of life calls for a radically new theology, the main concepts and implications of which Raley explores In The Unknown God (2011). In it he argues for an expanded understanding of God, delves into theories of time, and offers fascinating perspectives of the Hereafter. The first two volumes of the trilogy set the stage for Raley’s carefully reasoned but bold conclusions in Immortal Destiny. Summoning the discoveries of contemporary science, theology, and philosophy, Raley explores the dual modes of time and human life as creation, bodily reality, and survival. Raley peppers the pages of all his writings with rich perceptions and sidelong glances at many dimensions of truth.
About the Author
Author Harold Raley Novelist and short story writer, linguist, philosopher, and professor, Harold C. Raley holds degrees (BA, MA, PhD) in English, Foreign Languages, Humanities, and Philosophy. Named Distinguished Professor, he has taught languages, literature, and philosophy in American and foreign universities. His publications include fourteen books of fiction, history, language, and philosophy, and approximately 150 articles and essays on wide-ranging topics in professional journals and newspapers.