Book your show and get featured on the criticurb show on “creativity & you”
News Hook: At Criticurb, our featured guests become friends, families, and loved ones. We look out for each other; we encourage each other in our creative journey. We are passionate about what you do! Who you are! And where you are headed!
This is an interactive talk show where makers of creative content and people with creative insights and ingenuity come to share their creative journey as featured guests. We talk about your passion for what you do, your challenges, fears, and accomplishments. It’s a space where you can be free to be yourself and enjoy who you are and what you have become. We bring you closer to your fans, we broaden your network and expand your outreach.
We draw inspiration from one another each day as human beings and it is part of human nature to share ideas thoughts and opinions.
Here at Criticurb, we make you reflect on your creative journey, we go down memory lane with you, we remind you how far you have come, we show you how much people love what you do.
We are strong advocates of creativity! We are redefining creativity together! We are changing lives!
Writers Biline:
Author Name : With host, Uche Theresa Ezeuko
Author Email :
Author Website :
Date of Published: Dec 27, 2020