Dr. Herbert L. Fred’s “On Medicine Today: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” Brings to Light the Problems with Health Care Today
On Medicine Today: The Good, the bad and the ugly
Using crisp and powerful prose, peppered with his trademark wit, Dr. Fred laments the condition of medicine today:
* Myriad constraints from insurance companies;
* Incessant pressures from federally mandated regulations;
* Devastating limits on work hours for all training programs;
* Increasing dishonesty throughout the profession;
* An endless array of required paperwork;
* Lawsuits lurking around every corner;
* Over reliance on technology for diagnosis and treatment;
* Atrophy of clinical skills;
* Sagging of professionalism; and
* Impersonal and fragmented delivery of patient care.
Dr. Fred urges doctors to think for themselves. He implores them to preserve and promote the human element in medicine. He reminds them that medicine is a calling, not a business. And he assigns them this charge – the patient comes first, always.
“A stunning revelation of what’s been lost in medicine…” – Carol J. Baker, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Molecular Virology, and Microbiology, Baylor College of Medicine
Writers Biline:

Author Name : Dr. Herbert Fred
Author Bio : Herbert L. Fred, MD, MACP, is one of the leading medical educators and diagnosticians in America. A graduate of Rice University and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, he has written 463 journal articles and 6 books, one of which – “Images of Memorable Cases: 50 Years at the Bedside” – was nominated for the National Book Award. Among Herb’s many honors is a commendation from President Ronald Reagan in 1988, the American College of Physicians’ Distinguished Teacher Award for 2004, and the TIAA-CREF Distinguished Medical Educator Award in 2005. In 2002, Herb’s former trainees honored him for a half century of bedside teaching by founding The Herb Fred Medical Society, Inc. Many of his former students have become leaders in American medicine, including a head of the United States Food and Drug Administration, a medical school chancellor, a president of a health science center, a president of the American College of Physicians, a president of a state medical association, a president of the American College of Gastroenterology, a president of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, 3 medical school deans, 13 department chairs, 16 division chiefs, 8 training program directors, and an executive director of a state board of medical examiners. Herb has served on the editorial boards of numerous national medical journals and was on the board of governors of the American Osler Society from 1994 to 1997. In midlife, he became a long distance runner who many years later (in April of 2014) surpassed 250,000 certified lifetime miles. Dr. Fred lives in Houston with his wife, Judy. They have 7 children.

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