The fourth in the six set series of original futastic fantasies with Jonny Plumb
Jonny Plumb and The Battle for Earth
Jonny Plumbs jaw dropping adventures continue in rip roaring fashion with his latest book, Jonny Plumb and the Battle for earth. Where again Jonny and all his friends set out to try and save the earth from the evil clutches of the devils only daughter Deadsheda and her Hench woman the even uglier and revolting Dances with Death who has a strange aversion to custard, I wonder why??
Read as the Outriders from Hell try to break the force field made by the Shard of Pure Light in order to destroy Jonny and his family and friends and steal the Golden Globe.
Watch Nanny Noo take on Deadsheda in unarmed combat, yes one aging nanny fighting the most evil hideously ugly cackling devil child, will she win?? Will Nanny Noo be the hero? Will all Jonnys friends and family join together as one with Blueshadow and the Water Horses from the Planet of pure water, Firestorm and Starshell, along with Dentro reclu and the beings of Pure Light help Nanny Noo and Jonny, Legion and Legend save the Earth.
Read in nail biting horror as the Gnud Repeek threatens to return to destroy Jonny and allow the devil to reign supreme over all mankind. Well sit back and enjoy the ride of a lifetime with Jonny Plumb and all his friends.
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Writers Biline:
Author Name : Kim Wheeler
Author Bio : Kim Wheeler, photographer, published author and dog rescuer of large breed dogs, three occupations that has finally found Kim solace. Kim’s books include Battle Scarred Journey; an intimate, gritty and heart rendering account of just a few of the many trials in his varied life. Kim has now written four children’s books in a series of six books all about a young kid with amazing special powers.

Pub Date: Mar 10, 2015