The last in the six set series of Jonny Plumb Adventures where Jonny’s adventures lead him and his family to a mind boggling decision
Jonny Plumb and the Wonderful Secret
Jonny Plumbs and the Wonderful Secret…
This, perhaps the final adventure for Jonny Plumb finds himself in all kinds of trouble when he is firstly accused of giving a footballer a bad case of Floppy Leg. Who then had to be carried into his home on a stretcher. When his wife saw him she fainted and squashed the cat, the cat ran away and hit a paraffin lamp. The paraffin lamp fell over onto the curtains, and the curtains caught fire and then set the house alight. The fire brigade was called and put out the fire but everything they owned was ruined, plus, the cat won’t come home, because the house got burnt down by paraffin lamp, that it knocked over after it was squashed by its owner who fainted after seeing her husband being carried into her home, on a stretcher and all because Jonny gave the guy, who was just playing football, a floppy leg. Jonny then gets banned for a few matches but his new replacement is more than good enough, except, she is a girl and apparently, girls are not allowed to play football. Then, Jonny takes his entire family, Legend, Legion and friends back to Iceland to meet Queen Amaranta, with unexpected results but then has to return with Legend and Legion his two faithful dogs to confront the Icelandic Yule lads once more.
Then, if that’s not exciting enough Jonny then has to travel to the furthermost reaches of the Multiverse in the fastest spaceship ever built called Rapture which can travel at one thousand times the speed of light, to a colossal unknown land called Dark Shadow to retrieve the Elixir of Life which is hidden in a huge machine called The Hypericosahedron, which is under a thousand mile deep lake made entirely of Mercury in typical nail biting edge of your seat fashion.
So join Jonny, Legend, Legend and family in this brilliant jaw dropping adventure of a lifetime…
Is this the last amazing adventure for Jonny Plumb? Let’s hope not…
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Writers Biline:

Author Name : Kim Wheeler
Author Bio : Kim Wheeler was born in London 1954 and spent formative years in children’s home. Fostered and adopted aged six and aged eleven sent away to boarding school. Left school aged fifteen with no qualifications, but excelled in sport. Work experiences as follows ...Professional Decorator, Specialist Asbestos Stripper. Heavy Goods Vehicle Class 1 Driver and Driver Bodyguard but due to a succession of injuries was signed out of work aged forty. Found solace in rescuing large breed dogs, photography, writing and playing guitar Self taught... Photographer, Musician, Poet, Dog Trainer and Published Author. Single. Kim took enforced early retirement from work after a succession of injuries and major surgeries. Kim found solace in rescuing large breed dogs, self taught photographer and musician. Kim also has written a self help book called ‘Battle Scarred Journey and a six set series of children’s adventures books which are all based on a child called Jonny Plumb. Kim uses his life’s experiences and London zany humour to produce fun filled adventures. Kim hopes to continue with all the above and hopefully see Jonny Plumb hit the big screen

Format: Print
Pub Date: Jun 01, 2016